Sunday, September 29, 2013

Funky Laundry Smell?

This may be my favorite post yet! How many times have you forgotten about a load of laundry for too long in the wash and when you remember, it smells? I know that I have before and my clothes smell for the next few loads. Well I have found a way around that!! Below is the recipe and directions.. Read on!

What you will need:

1/2 Cup Baking Soda
1 Cup Vinegar


Take the cup of vinegar and the smelly clothes and put your water setting on hot and run the cycle. After that then take the 1/2 cup of baking soda and run the load one more time. Ya, ya, ya, I know it's a lot of water but I think that it's worth is so my clothes don't smell!

Once you have run the cycle with the baking soda throw them in the dyer and you're done. It's that easy and your clothes will come out smelling super fresh.

Good luck and hopefully this will work for your laundry like it worked for mine!

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